Medical Consultation with Emphasis on Lifestyle and Nutrition

I will take the time to get to know your specific health issues and goals, in depth and in detail.  I will then advise on nutrition and lifestyle changes to help you move in the direction of better health.

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Mind Body Approaches Including Stress Management

Stress management techniques address the connection between mind and body using a variety of methods including simple relaxation and stress awareness exercises, and learning how stress expresses itself in the physical emotional and cognitive planes.

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Learning about Health and Nutrition, the Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

Lectures on nutrition and health.

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Nutrition and Integrative Medicine:
A Primer for Clinicians

“Thank you for the opportunity to read your excellent chapter which makes a most compelling and powerful argument that confirms the benefits of whole food plant based nutrition”.

Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., Cleveland Clinic, author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease


Welcome to the clinic of Dr. Miriam Maisel, M.D. DipBSLM/Dip IBSM (Certified Lifestyle Physician)

I provide consultations in family medicine with an emphasis on nutrition for better health, and hypnosis for a variety of medical problems. 
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Opening hours

By appointment 052-6403509
Appointment given only after telephone conversation with the doctor.

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