Who am I?
Dr Miriam Maisel M.D. DipBSLM/Dip IBSM (Certified Lifestyle Physician)
Life is precious and especially our human life. We have the potential to develop ourselves and to make the world a better place. We can love and create. We can care and give,and grow wiser each year. Yet we must all face our mortality one day.
Each and every life is meaningful in its own special way, which is for each person to discover from inside.
Protecting our health is part of appreciating the miracle of our life and its wonderful potential.
As a doctor, I have long realized that medicine and health are not the same thing. Surgery and medicines certainly save lives, but the foundation of health is in our genes and in our habits.
My conventional medical training (including 3-year family practice residency) took place more than 25 years ago. Beyond this training I have pursued an interest health promotion, focusing on plant-based nutrition for disease prevention, treatment and reversal, which is the approach recommended by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. In addition, I have trained in mind body methods for stress management, and hypnosis as a method for addressing tension and pain. I am also qualified as a personal and health coach.
To sum up, I am a Family Practitioner, a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, a provider of the Stress Management and Resiliency Training Program through the Harvard based Benson Henry Institute. I am licensed to practice hypnosis in Israel. I also provide personal and health coaching with a special interest in coaching for doctors.
In 2018, I contributed a chapter on clinical research into nutritional treatment of chronic diseases, to the new medical textbook Nutrition and Integrative Medicine, a Primer for Clinicians.
The content of this chapter forms the basis of my lecture “Food, the first Medicine” which is part of the UK based Plant Based Nutrition e-course at Winchester University.
The main message of lifestyle medicine is that healthy eating along with physical activity and stress management can bring about dramatic improvements in many medical conditions, and even reduce the need for medications and surgery.
These approaches require more time and individual attention than conventional medical systems can offer.
Therefore I provide consultation and treatment on a private basis.*
*Social Justice Pricing: Several slots are available each month for persons who lack the means for private consultation. Payment will be symbolic only to cover clinic costs. Please contact me if this applies to you.